Looking to re-organize your space? Self-storage is the answer.
We have 12 ft, 16 ft, 20 ft and 24 ft containers available to choose from.
Our containers can help with all of your residential and commercial storage needs. Storage can be at your place or at our storage facility.
11143 Longwoods Road,
Delaware, Ontario
N0L 1E0
(519) 636-6858
Areas we can help with:
temporary storage
Your home is getting that much needed makeover and you're wondering where to store your home furnishings? Our containers are the perfect solution. Lightweight and portable, our containers can remain right at your home during that renovation period.
Want to pack your home on your time
You would like to do your own packing, no problem. We can drop a container off and take as long as you wish to pack things just right.
Downsizing your home
Downsizing is always stressful. Not sure what to keep and where to store it? Our self-storage facility is a great place to keep your home's contents while you work on that transition.
Your business is growing and you're in need of more storage
Don't miss out on the needs of your business. Storage containers can help solve your shortage of space for your long or short terms needs.
New house not ready
You've made a quick sale and your new home isn't ready? Our containers are your perfect solution. "Moving is work, pack once" ... We can store it until your ready to move in.
Your Business has seasonal stock and you're looking for temporary storage
Our containers are perfect for your overstock on seasonal inventory. Have the convenience of storing at your place or ours.
“Sometimes you may need to think outside the box. Our box containers come in a number of sizings to help solve your storage solution needs”
An example of our 20' storage containers.
Let's Chat.
Use the form below to contact us regarding your storage needs. We are here to help make your storage needs as simple as possible. Provide a brief description of what you are planning and one of our storage needs experts will help put your plan together.